Activity arrangement
The President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation direct the PRU.
The Minister directs the PRU:
a) central subordination – directly managed by the Minister;
The competencies of the Minister concerning the direction of the PRU are established by the President of the Russian Federation.
b) regional subordination – the PRU is managed through the regional centers for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.
The Board of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia and the Military Council of the PRU examine the most important questions of the PRU activity.
Paramilitary Rescue Units of Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
According to the decision of the President of the Russian Federation from 4 January 2009, the efforts to reorganize the civil defence forces into Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters consisting of 7223 servicemen.
Following legal acts and regulations were issued:
- No.223-FZ Federal Law from 27 July 2010 „On introduction of changes in several legal acts of the Russian Federation“;
- Edict No.1265 of the President of the Russian Federation from 30 September 2011 ”On Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters” (hereinafter The Edict);
- Governmental regulation No. 1113 of the Government of the Russian Federation from 23 December 2011 “On introduction of changes in several legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the matters of organization of activity of Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters”;
- Order No.704 of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia from 28 November 2011 “On introduction of the Edict No. 1265 of the President of the Russian Federation from 30 September 2011”;
- The reorganization of the civil defence forces into the Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia had been finished in 2011.
The Edict No.1265 of the President of the Russian Federation from 30 September 2011 provides for:
- Formation of the Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (hereinafter the PRU) on the basis of current military units and reorganization of civil defence forces;
- Ratification of these units;
- Approval of the Statute of the PRU;
- Structure and composition of PRU.
The level of strength of the PRU units is established at 7223 servicemen and 17 220 people of employed personnel.
The PRU are purposed for protection of the population and territories, material and cultural assets against dangers occurring due to military operations or as an aftermath of these operations, as well as due to natural disasters and man-caused emergencies, including abroad of the Russian Federation. The PRU is a component part of the civil defence.
In accordance with the No.61-FZ Federal Law “On defence” the PRU can be engaged into special operations in the matters of civil defence.
Provision of activity of PRU
The PRU is funded by the budget appropriations, included in the federal budget for the corresponding year.
Special, logistic an technical supply of the PRU is carried out in accordance with rules and regulation established by the Emergencies Ministry of Russia.
Purchasing and supply of the armaments and special military vehicles, ammunition, special equipment for provision of activity of the PRU is carried out by the Emergencies Ministry in accordance with the No.61-FZ “On defence” from 31 May 1996, No.213-FZ “On the state armament contracts” from 27 December 1995, No.94-FZ “On placing of contracts for supply of goods, performed works, services for state and municipal needs” federal laws and legal acts issued in accordance with following federal laws.
The servicemen of the PRU receive all benefits, rights, compensations and social protections as the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.