Emblems of Emergencies Ministry’s organizations
The Emblem of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Professional Education “The State Fire Service Academy” is approved by Order No.728 of the Emergencies Ministry of 05 December 2011.
The Emblem represents a blue shield and ribbon at the bottom of the emblem.
At the upper part of the shield is situated a white stretched vertical star with 8 beams, in the center of which is situated an orange circle with blue equilateral triangle with its base on the bottom. At the lower part is situated a golden owl with firefighter’s helmet, carrying crossed firefighting axes in its claws. The bottom of the shield is decorated with a ribbon, which is decorated by writing in silver – “Learn to prevail – rescue, extinguish, prevent!”
The Emblem of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Professional Education “The Ural State Fire Service Institute of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters” is approved by Order No.475 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of Emergencies Ministry” of 03 August 2012.
The Emblem represents an image of the double-eagle with its wings turned down and a crown on top. The Eagle holds in his claws a shield with silver edging above his chest. The shield is separated into two parts. The upper part of the shield is green, the lower is yellow. An ore mine, represented as a log well with winch and two handles, a melting furnace with a red fire inside are situated in the upper part, while in the lower is situated a wavy blue ribbon and a druse. The shield is situated above two crossed silver torches. On top of the shield is located a silver firefighter’s helmet with the Emergencies Ministry’s emblem in the center. A red ribbon with white letters is situated below the emblem: “OUR MISSION IS RESCUING LIVES”
The Colour Emblem of the Civil Defence Academy of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.634 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations” of 16 November 2009.
The Colour Emblem of the Civil Defence Academy of the Emergencies Ministry represents a red medallion framed by golden laurel wreath and ribbon aflare at the bottom part. A large emblem of the Russian Emergencies Ministry is situated in the medallion, with a book beneath the emblem.
The Emblem of the Federal State Institution “Rescue and Recovery Service for Special Underwater Operations” (GOSAKVASPAS) is approved by Order No.634 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations” of 16 November 2009.
The Emblem represents a dark-blue circle edged by golden woven safety line, with smaller circle inside. The circles are separated by golden band. A golden anchor is located inside the smaller circle. An image of a white and grey dolphin is situated in the lower half of the anchor. In the upper left quarter of the anchor is situated the small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry.
Below the large circle a dark-blue ribbon with golden edging is attached. Writing on the ribbon indicates to what structural division of the Federal State Institution “Rescue and Recovery Service for Special Underwater Operations” belongs an employee:
The Emblem of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Information Center of the All-Russian Comprehensive System for Information and Warning of the Population in Crowded Places” (Information Center OKSION) is approved by Order No.634 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations” of 16 November 2009.

The Emblem represents a black circle edged by a golden band. In a smaller black circle are situated: a small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry put over above the blue globe. A map of Russia is distinguished on the globe. Golden bent arrows are located on the top and the bottom of the circle.
The Emblem of the Primary Union Organization of the Russian Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.634 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations” of 16 November 2009.
The Emblem represents a white circle with blue edging. In the center of the circle is located writing in blue – THE EMERGENCIES MINISTRY. To the left of the writing is located the small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry. Below the writing is situated the image of a handshake.
The Emblem of the Public Council of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.634 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations” of 16 November 2009.
The Emblem represents a small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry, which is surrounded by white bent arrows. The upper arrow has orange edging, while the lower has blue edging.
The Emblem of Rescuers of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.304 of the Emergencies Ministry “On symbolism of separate organizations of Emergencies Ministry” of 19 May 2006.

The Emblem represents a blue circle with golden edging. The small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry is put over the blue globe inside a smaller black circle. To the right and left of the small emblem are located orange Latin letters S, comprising the word «SOS». The circles are divided by the golden band.
The Emblem of the State Small Vessel Inspectorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.304 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of Emergencies Ministry” of 19 May 2006.
The Emblem represents a blue circle edged by golden woven safety line, with a white circle inside it. In the white circle there is an image of diver’s helmet and the small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry put over the yellow anchor. The circles are divided by the golden band.
The Emblem of the State Small Vessel Inspectorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.304 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of Emergencies Ministry” of 19 May 2006.

The Emblem represents a blue circle edged by golden woven safety line. An image of a golden admiralty anchor is located inside a smaller black circle. The circles are separated by a golden band. A “windrose” is located above the anchor with the small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry put above the “windrose”.
The Large Emblem of the Paramilitary Mine Rescue Divisions of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.173 of the Emergencies Ministry “On introduction of changes intro Order No.634 of Emergencies Ministry of 15 November 2011” of 7 April 2011.

The Large Emblem of the Paramilitary Mine Rescue Divisions of the Emergencies Ministry represents a golden double-eagle with its wings turned down and a crown on top. The eagle holds in its claws a dark-blue shield with silver edging. At the upper part of the shield is situated the small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry, while in the lower part is located a red equal-ended cross with golden edging. Crossed hammer and pickaxe are located beneath the cross.
The Medium Emblem of the Paramilitary Mine Rescue Divisions of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.173 of the Emergencies Ministry “On introduction of changes intro Order No.634 of Emergencies Ministry of 15 November 2011” of 7 April 2011.

The Medium Emblem represents a blue shield with silver edging. A red equal-ended red cross with golden edging with a crossed golden hammer and a pickaxe beneath it are is situated within the shield.
The Small Emblem of the Mine Rescue Divisions of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.173 of the Emergencies Ministry “On introduction of changes intro Order No.634 of Emergencies Ministry of 15 November 2011” of 7 April 2011.

The Emblem represents an image of a red equal-ended red cross with golden edging with a crossed golden hammer and a pickaxe beneath it.
The Emblem of the Federal State Institution “The All-Russian “The Badge of Honor” Research Institute for Fire Protection of the Emergencies Ministry” is approved by Order No.304 of the Emergencies Ministry “On symbolism of separate organizations of the Emergencies Ministry” of 19 May 2006.
The Emblem represents a black circle with a golden edging. In the center of the emblem is situated the trade mark of the All-Russian Fire Protection Institute of the Emergencies Ministry, which is represented by a golden circle with blue edging and golden edging outside with a blue line inside the circle. Below the blue line is located an image of a red flame, which is mirrored above by black outline.
The Emblem of the Federal State Institution “The All-Russian Research Institute for Research of Civil Defence and Emergency Situations of the Emergencies Ministry” is approved by Order No.304 of the Emergencies Ministry “On symbolism of separate organizations of the Emergencies Ministry” of 19 May 2006.

The Emblem represents a black circle with golden edging. An image of four crossing atom orbits is situated in the center of the smaller black circle. The small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry is located above these orbits.
The Emblem of the Central Airmobile Rescue Team of the Eemergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.180 of the Emergencies Ministry “On symbolism of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters” of 31 March 1997.
The Emblem represents a blue ellipsoid stylized as a globe. The emblem belted by a white-blue-red ribbon. A writing TSENTRO SPAS is located in the center in two lines inside two silver stretched parallelograms. The zigzag-shaped black line symbolizes a plane coming to help. All parallels and meridians are black. The letters and edging of the writing are golden. Stroke background is black.
The Emblem of the Federal State Health Institution “The All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine” is approved by Order No.304 of the Emergencies Ministry “On symbolism of separate organizations of Emergencies Ministry” of 19 May 2006.
The Emblem represents a small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry, in the center of which is situated an image of a snake winding around a scepter.
The Emblem of the 6732th Central Base Measurement Technology of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.304 of the Emergencies Ministry “On symbolism of separate organizations of Emergencies Ministry” of 19 May 2006.
The Emblem represents a blue circle with golden edging. In the center of the Emblem is located the golden ST logo. A small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry is put over the S letter. The circles are separated by golden band.
The “Young Rescuer” Emblem is approved by Order No.23 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of the Emergencies Ministry” of 23 January 2007.

The “Young Rescuer” Emblem represents a blue circle with diameter of 90 mm with golden edging. Inside a small blue circle with diameter of 60mm and golden edging is situated a small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry framed by golden olive branches.
The “Young Firefighter” Emblem is apprived by Order No.23 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of the Emergencies Ministry” of 23 January 2007.

The “Young Firefighter” Emblem represents a blue circle with diameter of 90 mm with golden edging.
Inside a small blue circle with diameter of 60mm and golden edging is situated a golden firefighter’s helmet framed by golden olive branches.
The Emblem of the Federal Public Institution “All-Russian Center for Monitoring and Forecasting of Emergencies of Emergencies Ministry of Russia” is approved by Order No.728 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of the Emergencies Ministry” of 5 December 2011.

The Emblem represents a black circle with golden edging. In a smaller circle is situated a white stretched vertical star with 8 beams. An orange circle with a equilateral triangle is put over the star. The circles are separated by golden band.
The Emblem of the Center for Logistics Support of the State Small Vessel Inspectorate of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.23 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of the Emergencies Ministry” of 23 January 2007.

The Emblem represents a blue circle with golden edging.
In the center of the emblem inside the smaller black circle is situated an image of a golden admiralty anchor. The “windrose” with the small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry is located in the center of the anchor. There are two golden writings inside the inner circle: in the upper part the writing says “THE EMERGENCIES MINISTRY” and in the lower part is “THE CENTER FOR LOGISTICAL SUPPORT OF THE SSVI”. Both writings are separated by small golden circles.
The Emblem of the Federal State Budgetary Health Institution “72nd Central Hospital of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters” is approved by Order No.475 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of the Emergencies Ministry” of 3 August 2012.
The Emblem represents an image of a golden double-eagle with its wings turned down and a crown on top. The eagle holds in his claws a red shield with silver edging. A golden cup with two snakes coiling around it is located in the center of the shield. A small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry is located above the cup.
The Emblem of the Center for Emergency Psycholocial Aid of the Emergencies Ministry is approved by Order No.23 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of the Emergencies Ministry” of 23 January 2007.
he Emblem represents a red circle with a smaller blue circle inside it. A small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry is placed over the “psi” golden letter. The emblem and the letter have red edging. Both circles have golden edging.
The outer circle has two golden writings: “THE EMERGENCIES MINSITRY” in the upper part and “THE CENTER FOR EMERGENCY PSYCHOLOCIAL AID” in the lower part. Both writings are separated by small golden circles.
The Emblem of the Emergencies Ministry’s Psychological Service is approved by Order No.475 of the Emergencies Ministry “On items of symbolism of separate organizations of Emergencies Ministry” of 03 August 2012.

The Emblem represents a blue circle with a dark-blue smaller circle inside it. The emblem of the Psychological Service, representing a golden double-eagle with its wings turned down and a crown on top, is placed inside the smaller circle. The eagle holds in its claws a blue shield with silver edging. A small emblem of the Emergencies Ministry, representing a white stretched vertical star with 8 beams with orange circle in the center and a equilateral triangle inside it, is placed over the “psi” golden letter. The Emergencies Ministry’s emblem and the “psi” letter have red edging. Both circles of the emblem have golden edging.