The Supervisory and Preventive Efforts Department
Voronov Sergey Pavlovich
Deputy Director
3rd Class Full State Councilor of the Russian Federation
Babushkin Mikhail Yuryevich
Deputy Director
Colonel of the Internal Service
Makeev Andrey Alexandrovich
Deputy Director
Colonel of the Internal Service
Polekhin Pavel Vladimirovich
Deputy Director
Colonel of the Internal Service
Colonel of the Internal Service
Негодуйко Виталий Юрьевич
Заместитель директора
Подполковник внутренней службы
Глинов Сергей Владимирович
The Division of the Organization of Preventive Work, Supervisory Measures in the Field of Fire Safety and Regulation Of Fire Safety at Nuclear Power Plants
Начальник отдела
Начальник отдела
Полковник внутренней службы
Kozlov Alexander Alexandrovich
The Division of the Organization of the Provision of Public Services, Interagency Cooperation and State Statistics in the Field of Fire Safety
Начальник отдела
Начальник отдела
Colonel of the Internal Service
Uvarov Alexander Vladimirovich
The Division of the Organization of Supervisory Measures in the field of Civil Defence, Protection of the Population and Territories from Emergency Situations
Head of Division
Colonel of the Internal Service
Head of Division
Colonel of the Internal Service
Baskakov Alexey Anatolyevich
The Division of the Administrative Practice, Inquiry and Legal Support
Head of Division
Colonel of the Internal Service
Head of Division
Colonel of the Internal Service
Zhuravlev Yuri Yurievich
The Division of Regulatory, Technical and Prospective Development of Fire Safety
Head of Department
Head of Department
Сосновский Алексей Андреевич
Отдел государственной статистики в области пожарной безопасности и лицензирования
Начальник отдела
Начальник отдела
Полковник внутренней службы
Отдел организационно-методического обеспечения экспертной деятельности