15:14, October 09, 2024
1 minute

93 schoolchildren were accepted into the ranks of the cadet movement of the Transbaikal Territory

In Krasnokamensk, the Transbaikal Territory, a solemn ceremony of initiation into cadets of fire and rescue classes was held for 93 students of grades 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11 of Secondary School No. 6. The event was timed to coincide with the celebration of the Civil Defense Day of the Russian Federation.

At the ceremony, the new cadets were presented with shoulder straps and berets symbolizing their new status and responsibility. Each student took a solemn oath, emphasizing the importance of serving the country.

At the solemn event, they also paid tribute to those who died in the line of military duty, laying a wreath at the memorial complex "To the Transbaikal Warriors" and honoring their memory with a minute of silence.

Studying in a cadet class is not only an opportunity to give a great start to a child's future career. First of all, it is the comprehensive development of the student, educating him in the spirit of the best traditions of the Fatherland, capable of making the right decision in any life situation and, of course, promptly coming to the aid of those in need.

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01 or 101
Single phone number of firefighters and rescuers
+7 (495) 983-79-01
Information Center
+7 (495) 400-99-99
Single helpline
(Not for citizens’ appeals)