Tasks and Functions
In accordance with Statute of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate of the Emergencies Ministry, which was approved by Order No.835 of the Government of the Russian Federation from 23 December 2004, the main objectives of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate are:
- Conducting of state inspections of small vessels, used for non-commercial purposes, and bases (structures) for their anchorage, use of these vessels and bases in territorial sea of the Russian Federation;
- Provision of safety for people on waterways within its competencies.
The State Small Vessels Inspectorate has following functions:
1) organizes inspections and control for execution of requirements for provision of safety of people on bases (structures) for vessel anchorage, beaches, crossings and floating bridges;
2) takes part in development of rules for classification of small vessels;
3) organizes control for execution of legal acts, regulating use of small vessels, bases (structures) for anchorage of vessels, beaches, crossings and floating bridges;
4) conducts classifications, examinations and registration of small vessels, appropriates registry numbers, ship’s letters and other documents to registered vessels;
5) develops general training programs and exams for navigation, instructions for use and practical skills for navigation of small vessels, wave runners (jet skis), certifies navigators and issues licenses giving rights to navigate a small vessel, including temporary ones;
6) keeps registry of small vessels and state registry of given navigation licenses, registration and other documents, necessary for access of small vessels and navigators to waterways;
7) determines compulsory conditions for vessels depending on design of a ship and enters into ship’s letter rules and requirements for maximum number people on board, carrying capacity, maximum power and number of engines, allowable square of sails, navigation area, maximum wave height for given vessel, immersion of a vessel, minimum free-board, equipment with rescue and firefighting equipment, signal lights, navigation and other types of equipment;
8) conducts inspections of small vessels for emissions of contaminants into atmosphere in accordance with established procedure;
9) registers all accidents and crashes of small vessels, as well as accidents involving people on waterways;
10) registers yearly inspections of bases (structures) for anchorage of vessels, beaches, crossings and floating bridges, issuing of operating permits for bases (structures) for anchorage of vessels, crossings and floating bridges, as well as permits for beach use;
11) organizes training, retraining and professional development courses for employees of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate in the field of their expertise;
12) conducts instructions with population in order to lower number of accidents involving small vessels and number of injuries on waterways;
13) processes paperwork in the field of administrative infractions on waterways within the competencies of the Inspectorate;
14) files information to tax authorities about registered, deregistered vessels and their owners in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation;
15) participates in search and rescue of people on waterways;
16) participates in taking preventive measures and mitigation of accidents on waterways;
17) participates in forming of technical regulations and requirements;
18) in accordance with local conditions, enables additional limitations of vessels use considering its power and number of engines, total square of sails and sailing speed.
The State Small Vessels Inspectorate fulfills its functions through corresponding structures of the Emergencies Ministry’s Central Office, territorial branches of the State Small Vessels Inspectorate, which are included into territorial branches of the Emergencies Ministry, as well as divisions and organizations of the Emergencies Ministry, which conduct state inspections, registrations and examinations, patrol areas, characterize and examine small vessels and other functions in the field of small vessels use.