Center for Civil Defence Strategic Research of Russian Emergencies Ministry
The Federal Public Institution Civil Civil Defence Strategic Research Center of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (hereinafter the Center) was established in accordance with the Order No.1536-r of the Government of the Russian Federation of 5 September 2011by reorganization of the existing state institution the Civil Defence Strategic Research Center of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, which established by the Order No.680 of the Emergencies Ministry of 3 October 1995 “On establishment of the Civil Defence Research Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry”.
The Center is the chief science and research organization of the Emergencies Ministry, which carries our analysis, generalization and development of strategic problems and prioritized directions of the state policy in the field of civil protection of our country. Since the establishment of the Center, it was purposed as unique scientific organization of the Emergencies Ministry, which had to join scientists and specialists with experience in executive positions.
In accordance with the new Statute, which was approved by the Order No.564 of the Emergencies Ministry of 4 October 2011, the Center is appointed as a scientific and research organization, established for scientific and research activities, including applied researches in the field of strategic problems of civil defence, protection of the population against natural disasters and man-caused emergencies, safety during terror attacks, as well as for conducting of sociological researches for the Emergencies Ministry of Russia.
Main tasks of the Center:
1) to conduct researches in the field of strategic development of the civil defence, protection of the population and territories against natural disasters and emergency situations, anti-terror protection of the population and facilities of national security and activities of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia;
2) conducting of researches and preparation of proposals on problems of legal regulation in the field of civil defence, protection of the population against natural disasters and man-caused emergencies;
3) conducting of sociological and social applied researches for strategic researches in the field of protection of the population and territories against natural disasters and man-caused emergencies, as well as evaluation of Emergencies Ministry’s efficiency;
4) analysis of radical threats to Russia caused by climatic and natural changes, man-caused and biosocial processes, foreign and military policies.
Functions of the Center:
Research of problems in the field of civil defence, development of directions for strategic development based on strategic and military and economic argumentation;
Research of problems in the field of protection of the population and territories against natural disasters and man-caused emergencies, development of directions for strategic development of the Single State Disaster Management System (SSDMS);
Research of problems in the field of protection of the population against terror attacks and development of proposals on further improvement of protective measures;
Research of problems in the field of protection of facilities of national security and development of proposals on further improvement of protection of these facilities;
Research of strategic problems in the field of fire protection and protection of people on waterways;
Analysis of legal acts in the field of fire protection, protection of the population and territories against natural disasters and man-caused emergency situations and preparation of proposals to draft legal acts and other legal documents in the field of civil defence, protection of the population and territories against natural disasters and man-caused emergencies based on results of conducted researches;
Development of a conception of civil defence system development of the Russian Federation, the SSDMS and the Emergencies Ministry of Russia;
Development of plans for basics of the state policy in the field of civil defence, protection of the population and territories against natural disasters and man-caused emergency situations, including critical ones for the national security;
Organizing and conduction of sociological and social applied researches within population and experts for proper strategic planning in the field of protection of the population and territories against natural disasters and man-caused emergencies;
Analysis of development tendencies of the civil defence and protection systems against emergencies in foreign countries;
Preparation of analytical materials on strategic development and functioning of the civil defence, systems for protection of the population and territories against natural disasters and man-caused emergencies for the management of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia;
Conducting of researches in cooperation with leading scientific and educational institutions within competencies of the Center;
Preparation of scientific and methodical writings and informational collections on problems in the field of civil defence and protection of the population against emeregencies;
Analysis of radical threats and dangers to the Russian Federation caused my climatic and natural changes, man-caused and biosocial processes, foreign and military tendencies and based on the results of the analysis reports and proposals for the management of Russian Emergencies Ministry;
Keeping of Center’s service records.
Currently and medium-term tasks of the Center remain development and argumentation of directions for strategic development of the Emergencies Ministry, as well as the SSDMS and the Civil Defence system for integration into the Russian Civil Defence system based systematic analysis of forecasted threats, research of tendencies of changes in military, political, economical and social spheres, results of efficiency assessment of activities these systems and foreign experience.
Over 16 years of service, the Center published over 270 scientific studies, aimed at solving of actual problems of Emergencies Ministry’s activities, improvement of the Emergencies Ministry, the SSDMS and civil defence, development of basis of the state policy and drafts of legal and other acts, conceptual and legal basis for establishment of systems for comprehensive protection of territories and hazardous facilities, as well as national security facilities.
Results of these researches allowed preparation of more than 70 drafts of various legal acts, legal and methodical and methodical documents for the Emergencies Ministry, the SSDMS and civil defence, as well as more than 30 scientific studies and monographs. Such studies, as Strategic Risks in Russia, Basics of organizing and keeping of civil defence in modern world, as well as educational study Role of Russia in mitigation of disasters were awarded by prizes of the Emergencies Ministry for Scientific and Technological Development.
Currently, more than 20 high-grade scientists, including 8 Doctors of Sciences and 13 PhDs, 6 professors, 5 associate professors, 4 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 2 Honored Worker of the Russian Federation Higher School, 1 prize winner of the Award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of Science and Technology, 9 prize winners of the Emergencies Ministry’s Prize for Science and Technology Developments are employed in the Center, which makes up more than 60% of scientific staff of the Center.
The Center actively cooperates with numerous scientific and educational institutions and organizations within signed agreements and join scientific researches, including such organizations as the Institute of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Astronomy of Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Safe Nuclear Energy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the All-Russian Research Institute for Problems of Civil Defence and Emergency Situations, the All-Russian Institute for Fire Protection, the Civil Defence Academy of the Emergencies Ministry, the Saint Petersburg University of the Fire Service of the Emergencies Ministry, national Union of Responsibility Insurers, Social Expertize Research Center, the Russian Society for Risk Analysis and others.
The Academic Council, consisting of 25 people, including 11 Doctors of Sciences and 12 PhDs, functions in the Center as advisory body. Scientific tasks, results of important researches, reports about activities of the Center, the most important scientific problems of development of civil defence, the Single State Disaster Management System, establishment of the single Russian Civil Defence System, development of the Emergencies Ministry and other matters are reviewed on the meetings of the Academic Council. The First Deputy R. Tsalikov, heads and representatives of structural divisions of the Central Office of the Emergencies Ministry actively participate in activities of the Academic Council. Three scientists of the Center (M. Faleyev, V. Vladimirov, A. Bykov) actively participate in activities of the Expert Council of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. M. Faleyev is the Head of the Russian Scietific Society of Risk Analysis NGO.
In the course of years scientists of the Center participated in preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff for the Emergencies Ministry, carry out scientific management of dissertation researches. Employees of the Center are the members of dissertation councils in the All-Russian Research Institute for Problems of Civil Defence and Emergency Situations, the Civil Defence Academy of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, General staff academy of the Russian Federation?s Armed Forces, the International Independent Ecology and Political Sciences University, the Military Academy of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Protection and Engineering Troops. In the course of years scientists and specialists of the Center participate in reviewing of textbook manuscripts prepared by higher education institutions of the Emergencies Ministry, as well as participate in Academic and Methodical Council of the Emergencies Ministry for appropriation of the Emergencies Minsitry’s stamp to the textbooks.
The Center carries out editorial and publishing activities aimed at publishing in public media of scientific studies containing results of researches mention above, such as: “From Local Air Defence to Civil Defence”, “Safety in Russia”, “Natural Hazards in Russia” in 6 volumes, “Emergency Service in Russia”, “Civil Defence” encyclopaedia, “Civil Defence” encyclopaedia in 4 volumes and others.
Since 2011, the Center publishes the “Strategy of Civil Defence” scientific and analytical digest, which replaced the “Information Digest” that was published since 1997.
Since the establishment, the Center organized and conducted over 30 international, all-Russian and departmental academic conferences dedicated to conducted researches. Over the course of 8 years, the Center annually organizes and conducts “Improvement of Civil Defence in the Russian Federation” academic conference, presents reports in dozens of international and all-Russian conferences dedicated to discussion of safe and stable development of Russia and its regions, protection of the population and territories, provision of fire protection and safety of people on water ways.