Tasks and functions of territorial bodies

Approved by Order No.458 of the Russian Emergencies Ministry from 1 October 2004

II. Main tasks of the regional center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry

9. Main tasks of the regional center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry are:

1) to execute state policy in the field of civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, to provide fire safety and protect people on waterways within the competencies of the Center;

2) to manage civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, to provide fire safety and protection of people on waterways within the competencies of the center;

3) to conduct inspections and control functions in the field of civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, to provide fire safety and protect people on waterways within the competencies of the Center;

(clause 3 in edition of Order No.562 of the Russian Emergencies Ministry from 29 October 2007)

4) to organize and command civil civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, to provide fire safety and protection of people on waterways within the competencies of the center, as well as respond to emergency situations of federal level;

III. Main functions of regional centers of the Russian Emergencies Ministry

10. Regional center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry has following functions:

1) develops and represents proposals on execution of state policy and legal acts in the field of civil defence, protection of population and territories against emergency situations, provision of fire safety and protection of people on water ways, as well as develops and represents other documents;

2) develops and approves statues of structural divisions of regional center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and other organizational and planning documents within the competencies of the Center;

3) organizes forecasting of emergency situations via the system for monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations, prevents and mitigates federal-level emergencies, organizes rescue operations and provision of affected people with everything necessary, provides support in mitigation of regional and interregional emergencies, as well as takes managerial decisions during translation of an emergency to the federal level;

4) in accordance with established procedure organizes prevention of fires, as well as control for firefighting operations in facilities important for national security and other fire-hazardous facilities, valuable cultural facilities of Russia, as well as during federal-level events in crowded places, list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

5) organizes activities of employees of search and rescue units, aircraft and other forces of the Emergencies Ministry;

6) organizes improvement of the system for monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations, including facilities engaged into monitoring network and lab control of the civil defence;

7) organizes search and rescue of people on waterways in accordance with established procedure;

8) in cooperation with interested agencies of executive authorities of the Russian Federation, organizes forming and delivery of humanitarian goods to the population, affected by emergency situations, including to the population of foreign countries;

9) organizes guidance and control of decision taking for instruction of the population in the field of civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, provision of fire safety and protection of people on waterways, as well as instruction of youth on basics of safety;

10) in accordance with established procedure organizes logistical support of Directorates of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in constituent territories of Russia and subordinate units, organizes registry and selling of redundant property, determines necessity in logistical support, takes part in planning and logistical support of troop movements;

11) in accordance with established procedure, organizes registry of certified rescue and recovery services, fire, fire and rescue, search and rescue and recovery and rescue units, non-governmental organizations that have statutory tasks to conduct rescue and recovery operations and firefighting operations;

12) participates in registration of servicemen in Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Emergencies Ministry, employees of the Federal Fire Service, rescuers in rescue and recovery services and rescue and recovery units located on the territory of a federal district, that are registered in accordance with established procedure as requiring housing, and in cooperation with authorized agency of the Emergencies Ministry for housing support, provides listed units with housing in accordance with established procedure;

(clause 12 in Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

13) organizes and executes financial support of Directorates of the Emergencies Ministry in constituent territories of Russia, subordinate divisions, as well as records management, accounting and statistical registry of financial and economic activities and inspections;

(clause 13 in Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

14) organizes cooperation of forces and means, engaged into rescue and recovery operations during emergency situations and firefighting operations;

15) organizes certification of rescue and recovery services, fire and rescue, rescue and recovery units and rescuers of the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations;

16) organizes development and presentation of proposals on purchase and repair of equipment, special and military-grade vehicles, other property, materials and equipment;

17) organizes control for creation and maintenance in constant preparedness technical systems for management of civil defence and population alarm systems about hazards, occurring during military operations or caused by these operations, as well as control creation and activities of these systems within the competencies;

(clause 17 in Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

18) controls organizing of inspections by Directorates of the Emergencies Ministry in constituent territories of Russia in the field of civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, provision of fire safety and protection of people on waterways;

19) controls creation of local alarm systems in hazardous facilities;

20) controls creation and maintenance of preparedness of civil defence forces and equipment in constituents territories of Russia, municipalities and organizations;

21) prevents and mitigates emergency situations on underwater hazardous facilities in internal waters and territorial sea of the Russian Federation and controls organizing of presentation of safety declaration by owners of such facilities;

22) coordinates activities and cooperation between military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, paramilitary units and agencies during fulfilling of tasks in the field of civil defence;

23) excluded – Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

24) controls organizing of training of the government officials of the Russian Federation and local governing authorities in matters of civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, provision of fire safety and safety of people on waterways;

25) controls and registers presentation of industrial safety declarations for industrial facilities;

26) gathers and processes information in the field of civil defence, protection of population and territories against emergency situations, provision of fire safety, protection of people on waterways;

27) acts as a property developer for construction (repair) of facilities for the Emergencies Ministry;

28) controls creation, keeping and expenditures from insurance fund for documentation of hazardous facilities and essential services;

29) controls maintenance of shelters and other civil defence facilities, controls organizing of radiation, chemical, biological and medical protection of the population;

30) plans financial and economical activities, preparation of statistical, accounting and other reports in periods and terms, set by legislation and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as executive documents;

31) manages storage and use of material and technical supplies for civil defence purposes within the Russian Emergencies Ministry’s competencies;

32) organizes record keeping and archiving of documents in matters within the Emergencies Ministry’s competencies;

33) within the competencies of the center and in accordance with established procedure prevents, detects and suppresses terror attacks in facilities of the Emergencies Ministry, as well as mitigates terror attacks;

34) organizes preparedness activities of the Directorates of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in constituent territories of Russia and subordinate organizations;

(clause 34 in Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

35) provides forming and presentation of materials for registry keeping of hazardous underwater facilities;

36) protects state secrets and official secrecy within a center’s competencies, as well as develops means of special communications on the territory of a federal district;

(clause 36 in Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

37) informs the population via mass media or other means about forecasted or occurred emergency situations and fires, measures taken to protect the population and territories, means of protection and defence, as well as engaged in propaganda in the field of civil defence, protection of population and territories against emergency situations, provision of fire safety and protection of people on waterways;

38) takes part in management of the Single State Disaster Managament system within the competencies of a center;

39) takes part in preparation of proposals in matters of provision of federal aid to population and territories, affected by emergency situations of regional, federal and cross-border level;

40) takes part in coordination of activities of all types of fire services;

41) takes part in training (retraining) of specialists for Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Emergencies Ministry, the Federal Fire Service, the State Small Vessels Inspectorate, firemen, fire and rescue, search and rescue, rescue and recovery and other forces of the Emergencies Ministry in educational institutions;

(Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

42) takes part in international cooperation, including in execution of agreements in the field of prevention and mitigation of emergency situations in accordance with plans of the Emergencies Miniistry, as well as during taking measures for emergency humanitarian response;

43) takes part in aircraft support of emergency response to occurring emergency situations, conducting of special rescue and recovery, fire, medical, patrol and other operations;

44) inspects fulfillment of civil defence, fire safety requirements (excluding the federal state fire inspections in forests, underground facilities, mining operations, manufacturing, transportation, storage, use and utilization of industrial explosives), as well as requirements for protection of population and territories against emergencies by territorial branches of the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation within the competencies of a center;

(clause 44 in Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

45) organizes planning of actions and use of Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Emergencies Ministry for execution of separate tasks in the field of defence of the Russian Federation, organizes training of the Paramilitary Rescue Units of the Russian Emergencies Ministry together with Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for actions aimed at defence of the Russian Federation;

(clause 45 implemented by Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

46) organizes fulfillment of tasks aimed at development of the all-Russian comprehensive system for information of population in crowded places in a federal district;

(clause 46 implemented by Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

47) controls activities of the Directorates of the Emergencies Ministry in constituent territories of the Russian Federation in the field of development of mobilization plans for civil defence by executive authorities of constituent territories of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations;

(clause 47 implemented by Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

48) controls activities of the Directorates of the Emergencies Ministry in constituent territories of the Russian Federation in the field of rendering of emergency psychological aid to affected population in emergency zones and fires in territories of corresponding constituent territories of the Russian Federation;

(clause 48 implemented by Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

49) within territories of corresponding constituent territories of the Russian Federation coordinates and controls efforts for creation, development and organizing of use of the system for emergency phone number 112 by territorial branches of the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent territories of the Russian Federation and local governments;

(clause 49 implemented by Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

50) conducts registry of contracts, made by contractual divisions of the Federal Fire Service with organizations for fulfillment of efforts and services in the field of fire safety;

(clause 50 implemented by Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

51) maintains preparedness of employees for emergency response;

(clause 51 implemented by Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

52) in accordance with established procedure, conducts state inspections for small vessels used for non-commercial purposes, and bases (structures ) for anchorage of such vessels in territories of the Russian Federation;

(clause 52 in edition of Order No.788 of the Emergencies Ministry from 10 December 2013)

53) coordinates activities of the Directorates of the Emergencies Ministry in constituent of the Russian Federation for creation and training of special units for wartime, designated to fulfill tasks in the field of civil defence;

(clause 53 implemented by Order No.3 of the Emergencies Ministry from 11 January 2012)

54) controls activities of corresponding Directorates of the Emergencies Ministry in constituent territories of the Russian Federation for organizing of vocational training in the federal state budgetary educational organizations of the Emergencies Ministry for drivers of special vehicles, equipped with special sound and light signals used in the Russian Emergencies Ministry

(clause 54 implemented by Order No.788 of the Emergencies Ministry from 10 December 2013)


01 or 101
Single phone number of firefighters and rescuers
+7 (495) 983-79-01
Information Center
+7 (495) 400-99-99
Single helpline
(Not for citizens’ appeals)