
In accordance with the Order No.259 of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of July 16, 1993 "On primary measures for establishment of the Control Center of the Emergencies Committee" the 151st Information Center (military unit No.11501).

By the Directive No.22-300-16 from 1 March 1994, the 151st Information Center (military unit No.11501) was reorganized into 151st Control Center (military unit No.11501).

On December 1, 1994, the 151st ControlCenter was renamed into the 151st Crisis Management Center by the Directive No.25-90-5of the Russian Emergencies Ministry from November 29, 1994.

In order to modernize the situational center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and to improve the state emergency management system, on January 1, 2007, the 151st Crisis Management Center was abolished by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry No.545 dated September 27, 2006, pursuant to the orders of the President of the Russian Federation No.Pr-422 dated March 21, 2005, and the Government of the Russian Federation No.MF-P4-3469 dated July 14, 2005. The National Crisis Management Center was created as part of the Civil Defense Forces.

On July 1, 2009, to provide the development of the Single State Disaster Management Center, control of its personnel and equipment, and providing of immediate informotion and warning the public of the threat and occurrence of emergency situations, including in crowded places, by the Decree No.1515 from 23 October 2008 and the Order No.43-r of the Government of the Russian Federation from 27 January 2009 the National Crisis Management Center was disestablished and replaced with the Federal State-Run Institution " The National Crisis Management Center."

By the Order No.400 of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia of 26 July 2016 the date of establishment (annual holiday) of the Crisis Management Center of the Emergencies Ministry was set to 1 July 1993.


01 or 101
Single phone number of firefighters and rescuers
+7 (495) 983-79-01
Information Center
+7 (495) 400-99-99
Single helpline
(Not for citizens’ appeals)